What is Business on the Hills? Business on the Hills: Develop. Innovate. Market. is the largest conference on innovation, which will take place this September from the 9th to the 11th in Plovdiv. The event will bring together over 250 entrepreneurs, marketing managers, engineers and programmers from all around the world. Why innovations? Innovation is
How businesses can earn money from Instagram? Instagram probably seems like a place only for some niche businesses in the market that can succeed – like fashion or food industry. However, it’s definitely not true, if you know what you are doing. The truth is that more and more owners of small, medium and large
Content is the King, Brand is the Queen Recently, the phrase „Content is the King” has become extremely popular among online marketing experts. As both a discussion spectator and a debater on the subject matter, I must say that the content we’re creating is a bit different from other marketing areas like social media marketing
The Art of Self-Advertising: How to Suck Up To Yourself Without any doubt, advertising yourself is one of the finest arts in existence: you need not only finesse, but a knack for diplomacy and strategic thinking too. Multiply the challenging nature of all these elements by two, and you’ll arrive at the rules inherent in
What is Medium? A little over a year ago, we witnessed a rather quiet revolution in the world of social networks – a new website created by two of Twitter’s co-founders. Yes, we’re talking about Medium. At the beginning, writing for Medium was a privilege as only invited authors could publish their articles, whereas all others
  Does your business need digital and video marketing? If you are reading this article, you are probably as certain as I am that marketing is what really defines the success of your business. Virtually, every aspect of your business depends on your marketing strategy (successful or not). You may have the best product in
The definition for a successful modern business includes its above satisfactory presentation in an online environment. Moreover, it is exactly the Web that might serve as your project’s best popularization channel, depending on your niche. My experience with fragrances.bg (which I found in 2011) proved just that. From a medium-sized business, which counted mainly on high
When it comes to marketing (good marketing, at that), it’s all about creating a lasting impression. Whether it is a strong emotional connection you create between your customers and your product/service or you get the “wow factor”, a successful marketing campaign should capture the customer’s attention right away. How to achieve that? Well, there are
In general, corporate social responsibility establishes that necessary and recommended link between the firm /company and the community outside of the frames of the manufacturing, distribution or whatever the business activity is. CSR has several general aims – sustainable economy development, strategic partnership, improvement of relationships between employers and employees and even inside the entire
Raising our children to be the best version of themselves is not an easy task. Probably, every parent will agree with me. There are, however, some monumental mistakes that parents make, according to Cameron Herold. One of these mistakes is teaching our kids the wrong things. “Being an entrepreneur is actually a cool thing”, says